Training Document – Rubber Testing and Quality Control for Process Improvement (3 July 2019, Kuala Lumpur)

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Training Document – Rubber Testing and Quality Control for Process Improvement
(3 July 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
This document has presentation slides of this training program. Dr. Robert Schuster, World-Renowned Rubber Technologist is the trainer. The book is spiral-bound format with colored print of all presentation slides.

The training is designed to those individuals who are active in rubber testing and quality control as well as those seeking for a better understanding of the complex interactions in rubber compounds. As it is well known that the sum of physical and chemical properties governs quality and performance of rubber products the most important standard test methods for rheological properties of rubber mixes, static, dynamic and ultimate properties of vulcanizates are presented in detail. The course will give practical guidance with respect to the test procedures, errors and meaning of the results. Practical examples will be used for better understanding. By applying the principles outlined in this training course the participant could be able to take reliable decisions for compounding that lead to improve of the quality of rubber parts produced. The Course content includes • Features of rubber mixes and vulcanizates. • Introduction to rubber testing: Test conditions, Samples and conditioning, Error treatment and interpretation • Tests on Rubber Compounds: Mooney Viscosity, Mooney Scorch, Capillary Viscosimetry, Dynamic Characterization • Tests on Elastomers: Hardness, Stress-Strain Behavior, Tear Resistance, Rebound Resilience, Dynamic Properties, Flexometer Test, Relaxation and Creep, Dynamic Cut Growth, Abrasion Resistance • Aging & Oil Resistance

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